Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Travis Meadows-Nashville Songwriter

Travis Meadows—“An orphan who turned into a preacher.  A preacher who turned into a songwriter.  A songwriter who turned into a drunk.  A drunk who is learning how to be a human being.”

That is the description Travis provides of himself on his fan page.  Nothing more. 

Travis Meadows is one of the most amazing talents I’ve ever met.  He is also one of the strongest and bravest people I have met. 

I had the pleasure of being introduced to Travis during my last visit to Nashville, where he was playing in a songwriters* circle at Douglas Corner.  Meadows is Nashville’s latest comeback kid in the world of songwriters, where last year he released an album titled, “Killin’ Uncle Buzzy.” 

621 days sober, Travis howled out the songs from this album in the intimate setting of a writers’ circle.  There could not have been more than 30 or 40 people present and he was pouring out the story of the road he traveled to sobriety. 

If that’s not a brave man, I don’t know what is.  Travis Meadows is incredible.

He opened up the night with the first song on the album, Minefield.  Wow.  Here is a clip of him performing the song live.

I have never heard a musician sing with more raw emotion as he did that night.  His raspy vocals completely draw in those around him and one hears nothing else as he holds the room’s attention with the stories he sings.  Out of the blue he will shoot up to a high note that almost comes out like a squeal; it is so real, raw and beautiful.

Music is not about the pretty singing; it’s about moving people.  Telling a story and making a difference with the music that is delivered.  Travis does this better than any musician I have ever met. 

My favorite song that he sang was God Speaks.  It is the song that made the tears start rolling for me.   Travis wrote God Speaks for his rehab counselor.  I so hope that there is an artist out there that will be brave enough to cut this song; it needs to be heard. 

                                             Spotify link: Travis Meadows – God Speaks

I’ve always believed that people can see straight through someone that sings about things they do not know.  Travis throws everything out there for all the world to see with the music he writes.  He accomplishes what I strive for in my music—he invites people in; let’s them see straight to his soul.

I highly encourage everyone to go buy “Killin’ Uncle Buzzy” on iTunes now. 

Listen to the whole thing from start to finish, in order, and expose yourself to some of the best music out there.

The order of the songs on the album follow Travis’ path to sobriety; as he was “Killin’ Uncle Buzzy.” 

Listen to him sing Learning How to Live Alone, a song Travis wrote after loosing custody of his little boy.  

This is the moment where music becomes so much more than just words on a page or cords being strung.  This music transcends any commercially viable music; it moves people…it provides hope.

If you are ever in Nashville I hope you will find the time to visit a circle he is playing.  Travis has written several hits for famous artists, but this album is for him, and this album is the real deal.  It’s what music is all about.

*Picture taken from iTunes and videos taken from YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. you are truly magnificent! saw you at winners yesterday! you are truly a winner! great story! true story!
