Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! -- Frightening Country Songs

**Warning country fans: this post might offend you.  Sorry but it must be said.

Happy Halloween!  If you want a real scare this Halloween listen to these absolutely horrid country songs.  Just for fun I thought I would compile a list of a few country songs I cannot stand.  First and foremost on this list you will notice a majority of it is hick hick hick country.  Songs like these are what gives country a bad name.

·      Reason: It is just a really dumb song and I find it incessantly annoying.
·      Why, Chris Young, would you degrade yourself with a song like this on your new album after recording “Tomorrow” and “Don’t Leave Her (if you can’t let her go”)?
·      Why this song became so popular I will never understand.  It resulted in me not being able to listen to country radio for about a year.
·      Can someone please explain to me this fad of rockers trying to become country artist?  Please, just stop.  Lewis sounds like a pathetic attempt to imitate country singers, all while trying to pack every single stereotypical hick country lyric into one song.  Also, singing with monotone tone is not country…its embarrassing.  Stop.  I beg of you.
·      “Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes my baby get a little frisky…”.  Enough said.
·      Congratulations, Trailer Choir.  You have officially earned the award for most obnoxious and trashy band name, song title, and lyrics…oh and congrats on your new groupies.  I’m sure their beer guts are real cute; top of the flock.
2.  Anything by Darius Rucker
            He is the one country artist that I immediately change the station one bar into all of his songs to spare myself the pain of hearing his voice.  His songs are not as bad as the others on this list, but they need someone else singing them.  Once again, old rockstars trying to suddenly become country stars…stop.
1. We Road in Trucks-- Luke Bryan
· ===     Never in my life I have I ever been more disappointed in country music.  Oh and congratulations to Luke Bryan.   Two of your songs managed to make it onto my list of eight.  Please bring some more originality to your up-tempos.  If you want some more laughs or just straight up terror, check the music video out as well.

Dear country music,
I love you and the honesty of country music more than any other music genre.  Please then, stop writing songs about backroads, tractors, sweet tea, and more backroads.  Also, obnoxious country fans, stop belting out the lyrics to these songs and acting like these are all your favorite activities.  Most of you are not hicks, do not spend a majority of your free time riding down dirt roads, and I know that most of you do not drive tractors around for fun.

Now that I’m done venting about songs that give country a bad reputation listen to these in honor of Halloween.  They are actually good songs that are fun and a little bit spooky.


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  2. Just found another winner. Released earlier this month: Toby Keith- "Red Solo Cup." Now I will admit it is a little funny, but really now Toby....Red Solo Cup? Wow.
